Book to Go!: God's Co-Workers.
Printed Book
Prof. Dr. Hamid Kasiri
ILogos, Vienna.
Hamid Kasiri: God's Co-Workers. ILog-os, Vienna, 2023, 88 p., ISBN 978-3-99149-058-6, (€09,50).
God’s Co-Workers
This volume deals with topics related to the “theology of community”. We as the Islamic World Community (Ummah) believe, who work for “just peace” and nonviolence are God’s Co-Workers. So, we try to pave the way for sustainble Co-Working in God’s presence. On this basis we build a new socio-political culture of cooperation between Islamic and other cultures. The belief in non-violence should be the essence of our personality, the characteristic by which we can be recognized as Muslims and as “Co-Workers of God”: Building on this hope, we could be able to get the state of the “Co-Workers of God” and to turn our identity to live as friends of God.
Neuere Bücher
Shia Islam 1 (Phenomenology)
Shia Islam 2 (Basic Features)
Shia Islam 3 (Spirituality)
Schia Islam 4 (Social Thinking)
Schia Islam 5 (Historical Thinking)
Schia Islam 6 (Monotheistic View)
Schia Islam 7 (Tauhid)
Schia Islam 8 (Justice)
Schia Islam 9 (Prophethood & Vocation)
Schia Islam 10 (Imama & Wilaya)
Schia Islam 11 (Life after Life)
Schia Islam 12 (“Reader of the Word”)
Schia Islam 13 (Hermeneutics of the Word)
Schia Islam 14 (On the Horizon of the Word)
Shia Islam 1 (Phenomenology) 2. Ed.
Shia Islam 2 (Basic Features) 2. Ed.
Shia Islam 3 (Spirituality) 2. Ed.
Schia Islam 4 (Social Thinking) 2. Ed.
Schia Islam 5 (Historical Thinking) 2. Ed.
Schia Islam 6 (Monotheistic View) 2. Ed.
Schia Islam 7 (Tauhid) 2. Ed.
Schia Islam 8 (Justice) 2. Ed.
Shia Islam 9 (Prophethood & Vocation), 2. Ed.
Schia Islam 10 (Imama & Wilaya), 2. Ed.
Shia Islam 11 (To Be & To Be) 2. Ed.
Schia Islam 12 (“Reader of the Word”) 2. Ed.
Schia Islam 13 (Hermeneutics of the Word), 2. Ed.
Schia Islam 14 (On the Horizon of the Word), 2. Ed.
Book to Go: History: “Magistra Bouna!”
Book to Go!: Living (in) History
Book to Go!: The Man of the Future
Book to Go!: The Shia
Book to Go!: Shiite Vitality.
Book to Go!: "Lord Let Me See You!"
Book to Go!: Theology of Life.
Book to Go!: The Message of History.
Book to Go!: Beginning of the End!
Imama & Wilaya