Book to Go!: The Message of History.

Book to Go!: The Message of History.

Printed Book
Prof. Dr. Hamid Kasiri
ILogos, Vienna.
o Hamid Kasiri: The Message of History. ILogos, Vienna, 2023, 89 p., ISBN 978-3-99149-070-8, (€09,50).

The Message of History

Shia Islam believes that God’s ultimate message was salvation of mankind, which was ultimately revealed in the Holy Quran. This salvation, as the vocation of the Prophets, should now be respected in culture and politics and in the entirety of our thinking! This study refers to some important messages of the history, such as:

  • Theological message: Plausible Faith.
  • Moral message: Al-Ibrah.
  • Interreligious message: Dialogue.
  • Nonviolent message: Peaceful Coexistence.
  • Social message: “Just Peace”.
  • Salvific message: The Covenant.
  • Mystical Message: The Urge to Perfection.
  • Eschatological Message: Salvation.
  • Futurological Message: Expectation of the Longed-For Imam (a)!